What's different about England? What you say is correct. Any minority which is successful AND insular will always be a target. There are many reasons why people don't assimilate. Secular Jews do - religious Jews don't because they can't because of strict laws, particularly dietry. Success is one thing, keeping the gains firmly within a minority which makes that minority more prosperous, and therefore more powerful, is bound to produce jealousy in the rest of the community. I think you know that Jews are not credited with generosity either, so the Shylock image does persist, and obviously did exist at the time of Shakespear.
This image rose to great heights accross Europe during the 30's which is why Hitler had such a successful breeding ground.
Jackie - I asked you how nearly 500 years of expulsion from England in the middle ages relates to Israel, as per your post which I answered.
As for assimilation - there were plenty of Jews who assimilated, but for whatever reason they were still discriminated against... even those who converted to Christianity during the middle ages, when the gentry wanted to blame crop failure, bad weather, and everything else that went wrong - on the Jews!
Yes Jackie, antisemitism has been going for 3500 years - and even 1500 years ago, your so-called prophet killed the Jews of Medina, which was then a Jewish city!
I'll tell you why! Everything you say to slander Jews, example the Shylock comment, is in fact the total opposite. Jews are actually generous and benevolent people, as well as compassionate and caring (which is why we have a medical history going back thousands of years)... we are also the only religion who hasn't gone out to proselytise and convert people, nor kill anyone of another religion, unless our own lives were threatened.
The same applies today!
Start killing Jews and you'll have one helluva payback... but wanna live in peace and you'll have great neighbours! _________________ He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful
- Kohelet Rabba 7:16
you know that Jews are not credited with generosity
Who the hell do you think paid for the cathedrals in England ?
Who the hell do you think financed all the wars England fought upto 1700?
Yes the Jews were levied and how!
Learn about the massacres in York,Lincoln, Norwich all in the name of X.
We no longer accept blame.
And in terms of generosity about time you realised how much we have given to society both financially and scientifically together with the Arts.
Your arab neighbours are still stook on BC because of their innate prejudices and have done very little certainly to assist you.
So you haven't answered the question as to Why?
I think I have given the answer to that from a non-Jewish pespective. You tell me why Jews think they have been so persecuted.
Just for the hell of it or what?
.... we are also the only religion who hasn't gone out to proselytise and convert people, nor kill anyone of another religion, unless our own lives were threatened.
I hear this comment from you all the times about YOUtz being the only religion not PROSELYTISING.
If I were you dear I wouldn't wollow too much into that unique mud for the subtle reason the Jews do not proselytise is exactly to protect and preserve the precious and RACIST "chosen and protocollist" uniqueness of judaica.
How alse could they keep that score if all people were the proiviledged "chosen children of eloHIM!??"
I know the concept is very subtle, but as more people begin to evolve in gray matter between their ears, the exclusive and RACIST NATURE of this subject will become more prevalent and CONDEMNING!
Even the Islamo-rags are inclusive only to an extreme and violent degree (for Islam is IMPOSEFD not offered as a choice), exactly and diametrically opposed to YOUtz - BOTH, of course, WRONG and RAG-ghy!
Jackie - you think that the Jews were expelled from England for nearly 500 years from 1290AD BECAUSE of Israel??? That's ridiculous!
You still retain your antisemitic prejudices... so find it hard to see through to the fact that Jews made the best scapegoats in Europe... _________________ He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful
- Kohelet Rabba 7:16
Let's see now.....if one does not proseyltise, one is racist, if one does proseyltise, one is also a racist.
Can't win for losing..................
To proseyltise, or not to proseyltise, that is the question.......
The subtle operative concept, my friend, in proselytising is to offer an "inclusive option" by CHOICE - which the JEWS do not do, and the Islamo-RAGS demand by FORCE.
And the Evangelical Christians....? A dark force to be reckoned with - support for Israel will be followed by mass conversion of the Jews to "Christianity" of their interpretation. Watch out for Mr Bush - he's one of them!
Dream on
Seen out the Romans Greeks and everything else
In the history of time Judaism will win
Because we are the source
And God made us the dispensors
And without us there is only evil and disorder
And so written in our texts and yours
Sorry Jackie your great G/children have a better chance of being Jewish than xian in the future
Even Nero converted.
Let's see now.....if one does not proseyltise, one is racist, if one does proseyltise, one is also a racist.
Can't win for losing..................
To proseyltise, or not to proseyltise, that is the question.......
The subtle operative concept, my friend, in proselytising is to offer an "inclusive option" by CHOICE - which the JEWS do not do, and the Islamo-RAGS demand by FORCE.
Still not clear !??
The Trude
Intruder if you locate a local rabbi he can
help you start on the path to conversion.
Jewish communities are most welcoming
of those they call 'Jews by choice'. If you
are sincerely "self-chosen" no "protocol"
will keep you out!
Let's see now.....if one does not proseyltise, one is racist, if one does proseyltise, one is also a racist.
Can't win for losing..................
To proseyltise, or not to proseyltise, that is the question.......
The subtle operative concept, my friend, in proselytising is to offer an "inclusive option" by CHOICE - which the JEWS do not do, and the Islamo-RAGS demand by FORCE.
Still not clear !??
The Trude
Intruder if you locate a local rabbi he can
help you start on the path to conversion.
Jewish communities are most welcoming
of those they call 'Jews by choice'. If you
are sincerely "self-chosen" no "protocol"
will keep you out!
That's true RC.... Trude could easily convert and it would be relatively painless... _________________ He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful
- Kohelet Rabba 7:16
Let's see now.....if one does not proseyltise, one is racist, if one does proseyltise, one is also a racist.
Can't win for losing..................
To proseyltise, or not to proseyltise, that is the question.......
The subtle operative concept, my friend, in proselytising is to offer an "inclusive option" by CHOICE - which the JEWS do not do, and the Islamo-RAGS demand by FORCE.
Still not clear !??
The Trude
Intruder if you locate a local rabbi he can
help you start on the path to conversion.
Jewish communities are most welcoming
of those they call 'Jews by choice'. If you
are sincerely "self-chosen" no "protocol"
will keep you out!
That's true RC.... Trude could easily convert and it would be relatively painless...
In the New World all men not only
Jews get circumcised in the hospital.
If the salami looks like dog's wiener
he outta get it fixed up regardless!
Let's see now.....if one does not proseyltise, one is racist, if one does proseyltise, one is also a racist.
Can't win for losing..................
To proseyltise, or not to proseyltise, that is the question.......
The subtle operative concept, my friend, in proselytising is to offer an "inclusive option" by CHOICE - which the JEWS do not do, and the Islamo-RAGS demand by FORCE.
Still not clear !??
The Trude
Intruder if you locate a local rabbi he can
help you start on the path to conversion.
Jewish communities are most welcoming
of those they call 'Jews by choice'. If you
are sincerely "self-chosen" no "protocol"
will keep you out!
That's true RC.... Trude could easily convert and it would be relatively painless...
In the New World all men not only
Jews get circumcised in the hospital.
If the salami looks like dog's wiener
he outta get it fixed up regardless!
On that one I tend to agree...
Dog's wieners should only be on dogs... _________________ He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful
- Kohelet Rabba 7:16
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