History Lesson in Two Maps

Jerusalem Posts -> Introduction to the Arab/Israel Conflict

Author: Nannette PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:42 pm    Post subject: History Lesson in Two Maps


For the historically challenged, and for others interested, I post these two maps. The first shows the 1947, or Second Partition of the Palestinian Mandate. Noteworthy from this first map is that it was unacceptable to the Arabs... while the new Israelis danced in the streets, the Arabs went to War to Destroy the new State of Israel. Compare what they turned down then and ask yourself why they would accept even less territory today.

The Second map is noteworthy for its source, the non-profit Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ)

Notice the second map's legend... pay particular attention to the area labeled, "Areas occupied by Israel, May 1948." Nothing has changed except for some peoples' perception of Arab intentions. The worrisome factor is the number of people with the wrong perception.

They do not want Peace With Israel. The Arabs want Peace Without Israel.

Author: Levi PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:01 pm    Post subject:

They don't want ANY peace, Nannette. Period. Look at what's going on among the Palestinians themselves these days where factions, or rather terroristic gangs, fight each for power.

Author: Nannette PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:07 pm    Post subject:

Jim wrote:
They don't want ANY peace, Nannette. Period. Look at what's going on among the Palestinians themselves these days where factions, or rather terroristic gangs, fight each for power.

Without any progress on the mythical war on terror, the fight will spread to western democracies where the jihad is spreading fast...

Author: Levi PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:11 pm    Post subject:

There won't be any peace until the enemies of peace are defeated. There won't be peace until the Prince of Peace establishes it on the Earth.

Author: Nannette PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:53 pm    Post subject:

Jim wrote:
There won't be any peace until the enemies of peace are defeated. There won't be peace until the Prince of Peace establishes it on the Earth.

Amen Pray

Author: sparkyLocation: Lexington Avenue & Concord Boulevaard PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 11:17 pm    Post subject: SMACK Down

Jim wrote:
There won't be any peace until the enemies of peace are defeated. There won't be peace until the Prince of Peace establishes it on the Earth.

And just guess how HE's gonna' handle the "muSlimer problem"!

Here's a clue: He said "I will bless them that bless thee and curse those that curse thee." speaking about ... I S R A E L

Jerusalem Posts -> Introduction to the Arab/Israel Conflict

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