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Alan Dershowitz --Palestinians and the 'right of return'
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Joined: Jun 29, 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:16 pm    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

BIG wrote:
Michael_BlackburnSr wrote:
Bruce, I don't see any evidence that the U.S., and here I include the Bush adminstration, is proposing anything as all encompassing as you are suggesting.
I don't see evidence of the willingness to ratchet up the conflicts we are currently engaged in, on any politicians part, repulicrat or democran.
If the fight in Iraq is going to be fought on the model of Vietnam, as seems to be the case, i.e.,a p.c. war, then the only real question is, when do we get out, and how?
I think Biden's view makes sense, in realistic terms.

No Mike, Bush isn't going nearly as far in pursuing the enemy as I have proposed.

The question is not when or how we get out. That is already happening. The question should be what do we leave behind when we surrender? I wish the Harry Reid's would fill us in on what their vision is for the region and the world if we follow their plans. I have not once heard anything.

We have an actual example of what happens when we follow the Democrats plans with the aftermath of Viet Nam. Over 3 million people were slaughtered. I just wish Harry had the balls to say that 3 million dead will be a walk in the park compared with what the Islamics would do after we follow his plan. Maybe if people understood that the results of following Reid's plan would be carnage on the scale of Stalin, they might not so gung ho to allow it to happen.

What Reid and his ilk are counting on is not even bring this subject up. They want our full and unconditional surrender and then when the feces hits the oscilating device after our departure, they will just blame it on Bush for starting this whole thing in the first place and that they never envisioned the deaths of so many. And RC would be applauding them for their great vision.

I do not believe Bush's policies will bring us victory in this struggle. I don't think he is going after the enemy strong enough. He coddles many Islamofascists and outright supports others. But I do know if we follow what the Democrats are proposing, it means out defeat and will lead to the deaths of tens of millions. I've said it before and I'll say it right here, my choices are shitty and shittier. I go with shitty. RC will use his one square on shittier and just blame it all on Bush as he wallows in it.

I agree with you that Bush has not prosecuted this war effectively, and I wish he had.
I had high hopes when the thing began.
I don't think the Vietnam analogy is a good one though, in this case.
We didn't really have a dog in that fight, we should never have been there.
But it was being conducted in the same way, i.e., the most important aspect of it seemed to be political consensus and public opinion.

As for the consequences to the Arabs, to be blunt, I'm rather sick of them.
Look what they did in Israel, after all the concessions we made, they elected Hamas.
We can't save the Arabs from their own idiocy.

There is one other issue, and it might be, in a sense, off topic, but I have observed something happening in America the last couple of years that may be as important to our future as the war against terrorism.
It's an issue that gets zero news coverage, but has anyone here noticed the amount of homeless people around these days?
I have heard estimates of thirty million homeless Americans.
Perhaps some of the billions that are being funneled into Iraq might be used to address this problem, which, just from my own observation, is a growing threat to our security, in a different way, but perhaps just as serious.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:15 pm    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

Michael_BlackburnSr wrote:
This is how the Israelis should grant the right of return.
BIG wrote:

Bruce I think your idea has been embraced by Dershowitz,

The ONLY thing that will work is $s (an offer hard to refuse).
But even with that some hard nosed PAs will want to COME BACK - NO MATTER WHAT!

..and Israel should be ready mentally, emotionally and phisically to deal with that....and what's worse they will have the world's opinion behind them.

I think Israel should place itself in the highest moral plane possible so that if anything goes wrong it will not be faulted as IT IS NOW!

...just a thought!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:27 pm    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

Where is that awful smell coming from? Looks like I have to leave this thread.

My analogy to Viet Nam was in regards to the aftermath. Viet Nam and Algeria are examples of winning militarily and losing politically. In both cases, after the surrender, wholesale bloodshed was the result. Nobody from the surrender party is talking about what happens after we turn tail and run. They could care less about the mass graves being reopened for business. I just wish Harry Reid would get up and say he doesn't give a damn how many millions are slaughtered because of his position. But expecting honesty from a politician is probably beyond the realm of possibilities. And expecting someone from our media to ask is also beyond their capabilities.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:52 pm    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

BIG wrote:
Where is that awful smell coming from? Looks like I have to leave this thread.

Anything BIG is bound to emanate all kinds of foul disagreable odors - You got your big ass with big piles trapping shit in between folds, big feet with cheese between the toes (pfeeugh!), big sweat glands, big nose with snotty drips, big mouth with sputum cum phlegm, big eyes with droopy warety lids, big belly collecting linty balls, and big balls hosting a-oozing hernia...and you are wondering about stink!??

DHUuuuuuH ! Rolling On Floor Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:36 am    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

reality check wrote:
BIG wrote:
The PLO-Arabs would only accept what you say on an interim basis. Until they get full ROR, the war will continue. Israel needs to get rid of the refugee issue once and for all. Their first move should be to try to get rid of UNRWA and get the original refugees listed under UNHCR and stop the increasing numbers of refugees. This way, the longer the Arabs hold out, the fewer Muslims they will be able to plant inside whatever is left of Israel.

As for your faith in Olmert, he is just as bad as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. He believes victory comes from surrender and talking to your enemies.

Olmert is a clone of Mr. Bush, not Reid or Pelosi.
Bush is the one who appeases the Saudis, who
arms the PLO, who does nothing to confront the
threats posed by Syria and Iran, and loses wars
in the Middle East. Reid & Pelosi did none of this!

But I can see why you'd like to pin all of Bush's
failures on the Democrats! And of course you've
been doing this all along, even when Democrats
like Reid and Pelosi had no power at all. But this
is typical for a Republican. Blame the Democrats!

BTW, did you hear that Republican congressman
Darrel Issa made a trip to meet Bashir Assad in
Damascus right after Nanci Pelosi left? How come
all you Republicans had nothing bad to say about
that? I'll tell you why, because you have no firm
principles and are driven by purely political goals.

You should talk, RC. You are a parrot without any real thinking capacity...
The ways of the Lord are right: Even in the midst of promised judgment, the wise and understanding man sees that the ways of the Lord are right, and that every announcement of judgment is an invitation to repentance.
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reality check

Joined: Jun 29, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:04 am    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

reality check wrote:
BTW, did you hear that Republican congressman Darrel Issa made a trip to meet Bashir Assad in Damascus right after Nanci Pelosi left? How come all you Republicans had nothing bad to say about that? I'll tell you why, because you have no firm principles and are driven by purely political goals.

BIG wrote:
When Issa becomes Speaker of the House and makes public statements that are treasoness, I will point them out like I did of Pelosi's. When are you going to condemn Pelosi's actions like you just did to Issa's? Or do you only find fault with Republicans and turn a blind eye to all the negative actions of Democrats?

So because Issa is not Speaker you are okay with his
meetings with Nasrallah and his praise for Hezbollah?
The hypocrisy of you Republicans is simply revolting!

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Joined: Jun 30, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:23 pm    Post subject: Add User to Ignore List Reply with quote

Where have I ever defended Issa? Show me one instance where I defended anything he has ever done the way you fawn over Pelosi and Reid?
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